Make some noise if you're tired of this whole pandemic already!

When I first heard the news of the latest lockdown, my eyes rolled all the way to the back of my head. Here we go again, I thought. Another prolonged period of staying at home running up my electricity bill. I began to overthink... What will I do? How will I keep myself busy? How will I ever stop the boredom?
I had to swiftly shift my mindset from one of worrying to one of peace. From feelings of anxiety to that of hopeful anticipation. And if you, like myself, are in need of some encouraging words to get you through these next few weeks, I've got you covered.
So, here are some key things to remember as we settle into yet another lockdown...
1. Take each day as it comes
We don't know what tomorrow holds so why let the thought of it hinder today? One of my favourite verses reads:
Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? [...] Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. (Matthew 6:25-34)
As I mentioned above, I instantly began to think how I would cope over the next few months. Yet that sometimes brings unnecessary worry of things outside my control. It can be overwhelming thinking too far ahead.
Right now, I think it's more important to simply take each day as it comes. One day at a time. One task at a time. Focus on doing your best in the present and you'll get through.
2. Protect your positive mindset
I've learnt quickly that the mind is the greatest battlefield. Your mindset will easily determine your overall outlook and experience of life. Do your best to protect it. Feed it with positivity. Kind words. Affirmations. Motivation. Encouragement.
Please, be kind to yourself.
And as we enter into this new lockdown, the media will try to fuel anxiety, panic and fear. All of which can induce negative mindsets on a consistent basis. If needs be, switch the news off. Take a break from socials. Take charge of your mental space and be more mindful of the thoughts you allow to fester.
3. Start your day with gratitude (every single day)
One thing that helps to maintain a positive outlook is gratitude. Taking a break to consciously acknowledge and mention the things you're grateful for. Write them down and refer to them as you go through your day.
When it comes to gratitude, there is no such thing as too small. If all you have to be grateful for is a new day, then start there. I am so confident, that no matter how bleak a situation is, there is always something to be thankful about. All in all, this pandemic has taught me to cherish the "little" things. Health. Family. Good friends. Food.
4. Remember tough times never last
Life is full of varying seasons with many highs and lows, but one thing I'm sure of is that tough times never last, only tough people last. If we survived the rollercoaster that was 2020, then we can certainly survive anything 2021 throws at us.
I heard this quote when I was younger and the simple words have been keeping me through many of the difficulties brought on by the pandemic.
This too shall pass.
Simple, yet effective. It reminds me that many things we face in life are not permanent, it just takes courage to see it through until the end.
5. Have faith that God is in control
Despite it all, God is still very much on the throne and is working things out for our good. The pandemic doesn't cancel out His perfect promises. Keep stirring your faith despite the physical challenges we're all facing.
I'll end with a scripture that brings me such encouragement knowing that better times are ahead.
Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him. (Psalm 126:5-6)
If you're reading this, it means you made it through the first lockdown. Have faith you'll make it through again. This time stronger, wiser and in a much greater position.
We've got this.
- Faithful xoxo
About the Author:
Faith is a Birmingham based writer. She has a background in drama with a focus on writing poetry, blogs and more.
Through her work, she explores themes such as love, life, faith, passion and purpose. Faith is a true creative at heart and also enjoys videography and editing.
Her debut poetry book, Words of Faith, is available to purchase in store and on Amazon.
Instagram: @faithdneto
Twitter: @faithdneto
Facebook: @faithdneto
YouTube: Faith Dias Neto
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Content on this website is copyright Faith or the relevant contributing author. It may not be reproduced without express written permission.
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