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What's in your words? More than just sweet talk

"Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24

Words of Faith honey poem image

Smooth like honey,

Your words 

Slip through my soul -

Sweetening the bitter

Soothing the sore.

Your Word

Like honey, nurturing

My bones.

I have a craving in my soul,

A sweet tooth for Your own.

By Faith, author of Words of Faith.


One of the most important voices you'll hear today is the one inside your head. What's it saying to you? Is that voice within speaking life or death? Is it encouraging or crushing? Building or breaking?

Now is the time to assess the words you speak because death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit (Proverbs 18:21).

The voice in your head guides your life

I am a self professed lover of words. I believe in the power they have to shape our lives and change the bleak into something bright. Words start from within, from thoughts of the heart that slowly become manifest outwardly.

As the opening scripture and poem in this post show, pleasant words have the power to soothe, to heal. So, as I'm working this within myself daily, I'm just here to share some things that have helped me with my words.

How to improve the words you speak: three simple steps

1. Check yourself

Don't allow one negative thought to spiral uncontrollably into hours of self-defeating talk. Check, rebuke and reject those small negative words quickly.

For me this means becoming more self aware. Understanding swiftly when something I've thought or spoken doesn't line up with what I desire for myself. If the words don't fuel the vision? Then they got to go.

"Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5

Cast them down.

2. Shift the words

Replace every negative with a greater positive, whether you believe it or not. Whether it's your present reality or not. Speak in faith and cancel out the external noise.

Something I've been doing recently is replacing pessimistic words of myself with the beautiful promises of God. By making a shift and holding onto the words that will bring me life, peace, joy and all good stuff.

More important than the words you speak to yourself are the words God has spoken over you in His Word. His promises are true and I pray we never forget that.

Remember, if you can think a bad thought, then you can most definitely think a good one instead.

3. Repeat

Again. And again. And, again. Because mindsets don't change overnight and it takes patience to get to where you need to.

Don't be discouraged if you have a lapse because the beauty of life is that we can start again. Whilst you're alive and breathing, there's always another opportunity to do better.

So take the time needed to cultivate those life-bringing words.

"The words we use are the worlds we live in." — Richard Ford

Instagram: @faithdneto

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Facebook: @faithdneto

YouTube: Faith Dias Neto


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Content on this website is copyright Faith or the relevant contributing author. It may not be reproduced without express written permission.

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